Broken sharpening stone – full oil can (read above to see how you get the full oil can).

Thorny roses – sharp shears (read above to see how you get the sharp shears).Piggy bank – hammer (a coin will appear once you break the piggy bank, use that coin on the candy machine that is located in the garage).Then take the sharp shears and place them on the thorny roses (located in the backyard) After the sharpening stone starts rolling use the blunt shears on the stone to sharpen them.Fill the empty oil can on the oil drum (located in the garage) and then use the full can of oil on the broken sharpening stone (located on the porch) Candy machine – coin (part of the ghost machine starter will be revealed).Nailed plank – pincers (when you put the pincers on the nail plank, the last piece of the window hinge will appear where the plank was).Bearded man – razor (part of the ghost machine will appear).Pillow – knife (last piece if the pincers will appear when you put the knife on the pillow).Clock – clock opener (once you place the clock opener on the clock the last piece of the razor will appear).Use the bucket full of water on the cozy fire that is located in the guest saloon room. Take the empty bucket and place it under the tap water and the bucket will fill with water.Hungry ghost – piece of cake (once you give the hungry ghost the piece of cake, the last piece of the empty bucket will appear next to her).Hatless ghost – top hat (when you place the top hat on the hatless ghost the last piece of the hacksaw will appear).
Cozy fire – full bucket of water (read the kitchen section below to find out how to get the full bucket of water).Locked chest – skeleton key (a piece of the ghost machine starter will appear).SPOILER ALERT: DO NOT READ ANY FURTHER IF YOU DON’T WANT THE ANSWERS TO ALL THE PUZZLES. If you keep clicking, you will see several ghosts on your screen (I saw up to 5 at one time.) If they annoy you, you can go another room until the ghosts have disappeared. They are there to distract you and don’t really interfere with the game. Clicking too many times will make ghosts appear on your screen for a limited amount of time.You may have to find hot – spots in other rooms in which to place your inventoried items The room that you find a completed piece in may not be the same room where you need to place it.You can return to a room at any time whether it’s finished or not. If you’re stuck on a level, use the map to visit other rooms. Click the guide book for hints on what to do next.The hotspot description will also be shown on the status bar. This is where you place a completed item from the inventory. Moving the mouse cursor over some spaces will indicate a hotspot.Always leave the hints for last, until you really need them This may sound like a lot but when you are looking for fragmented pieces they can be used quicker than you think. You will have an average of 10 – 15 hints at the beginning of each level.On occasion, the last piece of an item will not be visible until other pieces of the puzzles have been put in place.