Nadya Vinogradova-Shiffer: email, 20, bio.GEDI Science Team: Hank Margolis: email, 20, bio.ECOSTRESS Science Team: Keith Gaddis: email, 20, bio.Climate and Biological Response: Woody Turner: email, 20, bio.Ocean Biology and Biogeochemistry: Laura Lorenzoni: email, 20, bio.Plankton, Aerosol, Cloud, ocean Ecosystem (PACE) Mission related calls: Laura Lorenzoni: email, 20, bio.Carbon Cycle & Ecosystems (CCE): Kathy Hibbard: email, 20, bio.New (Early Career) Investigator Program in Earth Science: Allison Leidner: email, 20, bio.Participating Investigator (Earth Science USPI): Richard Eckman: email, 20, bio Rapid Response and Novel Research in Earth Science: Laura Lorenzoni: email, 20, bio.Earth Science Deputy R&A Lead: Lucia Tsaoussi: email, 20.Earth Science R&A Lead: Jack Kaye: email, 20, bio.Earth Science Technology Office Deputy Lead: Robert Bauer: email, 30.Earth Science Technology Office Lead: Pamela Millar: email, 30.Applied Sciences Lead: Lawrence Friedl: email, 20, bio.Technology Development for Physics of the Cosmos: Valerie Connaughton: email, 20, bio.Technology Development for Cosmic Origins: Eric Tollestrup: email, 20.Technology Development for Exoplanet Missions: Doug Hudgins: email, 20, bio.Strategic Astrophysics Technology Main POC: Mario Perez: email , 20, bio.X-Ray Imaging and Spectroscopy Mission (XRISM) Guest Scientist Program: Valerie Connaughton: email, 20, bioĪstrophysics Strategic Astrophysics Technology Programs.

Infrared, Submillimeter, and Radio Astrophysics: Eric Tollestrup: email, 20.Ultraviolet and Visible Astrophysics: Michael Garcia: email, 20, bio.High-Energy Astrophysics (X-ray and Gamma-ray): Valerie Connaughton: email, 20.Fundamental Physics: Thomas Hams: email, 20.Particle Astrophysics: Thomas Hams: email, 20.Astrophysics Research and Analysis (APRA): Dominic Benford: email, 20, bio.Astrophysics Data Analysis (ADAP): Doug Hudgins: email, 20, bio.Astrophysics R&A Lead: Stefan Immler: email, 20, bio.Can't find a person or a program on the list below? Please contact the R&A Lead of the relevant Division or contact the Science Mission Directorate R&A Lead Max Bernstein at max.bernstein.Īstrophysics | Earth Science | Cross Division | Heliophysics | Planetary Science | Biological and Physical Science Programs Astrophysics Programs Scroll down the entire list below, starting with Astrophysics and moving through each Division, or jump to the Division of choice through the links at the top of the table. We deliberately maintain names of some old programs that are not solicited this year so that those who have continuing grants from those programs know whom they may contact for information or concurrence. These are the points of contact for research programs, typically current or former ROSES program elements.